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Rabu, 05 Februari 2014

Armed Or Unarmed - What Is Your Self Defense Tactic?

A Google search for the definition of self defense yields this return: 'defense of one's person or interests, especially through the use of physical force, which is permitted in certain cases as an answer to a charge of violent crime.'

Self defense and being prepared to defend yourself, your loved ones and your property is not only your right, it is your responsibility. We should not rely on others to keep us safe when we have the ability to protect ourselves.

There are some who believe that self defense is just another form of fighting. Self defense is not just about fighting, but rather how to keep yourself safe from or during a fight.

There are two basic self defense tactics that can be used. They are: armed self defense and unarmed self defense.

Unarmed Self-Defense

Unarmed self defense refers to any self defense tactic that relies solely on the use of mind or body for protection. An example of the mental self defense tactic is the use of verbal judo.This is using your words to prevent or de-escalate a situation. You can also study self defense and safety tips to learn how to avoid dangerous situations or how to outwit your opponent or potential attacker

Physical self defense encompasses the fighting arts such as Karate, Taekwondo or Krav Maga. It also includes less sophisticated but just as effective ground fighting techniques.

You can attend a short self defense class that will quickly teach you key moves that can be used in self defense, or you can spend years mastering one of the fighting arts.

Ultimately, the only weapon you are relying on is yourself.

Armed Self-Defense

This means carrying an object, tool, device or weapon which you can use to defend yourself. Some people choose to carry a lethal force weapon. While I believe in the right to bear arms, lethal force weapons cannot and should not be carried by everyone.

I do believe everyone should be able to carry an effective form of non lethal self defense. The most popular of these are pepper sprays and stun guns. Both of these have the ability to disable an attacker long enough for you to get to safety. There are also passive self defense tools, namely personal alarms that will not disable anyone, but can be used to startle an opponent or attract attention to the situation.

In my opinion, the best tactic is a combination of both armed and unarmed. You should know how to avoid situations and how to be able to fight back if you encounter an attacker. But you should also carry some type of device you can use for self defense.

Whatever you choose, make up your mind to be a victor and not a victim.

By Wendy R Megyese

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