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Rabu, 16 Juli 2014

3 Self-Defense Principles You Must Remember

Regardless of whether you're using a Kubotan self-defense keychain, a handgun, or unarmed tactics, there are certain undeniable concepts and principles - truths if you will - about a self-defense encounter that must be acknowledged and planned for. To overlook or ignore even one of these is to be done at your own risk and peril.

While there are many more principles that I consider to be critical, we'll start with a few of the most basic, and therefore the most important here. Please note that I used the words "basic" and "important" in the same sentence. Often, students (and teachers for that matter) tend to see the basics as "necessary evils to learn in order to get to the really cool stuff." When, in fact, the basics ARE the "cool stuff," and...

...without them, you wouldn't be able to do anything else!

If you're new to the topic of real-world self-defense, burn these principles into your subconscious mind so that you'll never forget them. If you consider yourself to be an old veteran or an advanced student, you might still want to look over them, just to make sure that you're not missing anything important.

Self-Defense Principles to "Live" By

1. You Are Your Own First-Line of Self Defense

Remember that, when the attack happens, more often than not, you will be alone. And, if you are with someone else, then chances are even greater that you are facing multiple attackers.

I talk a lot in my other books and articles, especially in "The Karate-Myth," about the fact that no one else, not even the police, can save you. And that goes for your teacher as-well, regardless of how good he or she is.

You will either be prepared or not when the penny drops. That means that... will be your responsibility to do what you must to survive until help, back-up, or whatever, arrives.

And that goes equally well for those of us who have been trained to know better. Like the story of an off-duty police officer who, having years of training, carried her firearm with her everywhere she went.

Until one day, she went out to lunch with mom and dad.

Since they were just going into a fast-food place for lunch and mom and dad didn't care much for guns, she decided to leave the weapon in her car.

During lunch, a man entered the restaurant and killed several patrons...

...including her parents.

Though she got out with her life, the ONE TIME she needed her training and her weapon...

...her parents died.

Imagine living with that for the rest of your life!

So, if you're going to train yourself with a Kubotan, self-defense keychain, handgun, or any other weapon, make sure that, not only is it WITH you when you need it, that if possible...'s IN your HAND!

2. Keep It Short and Simple

Sport martial artists kill me. Not that they can anymore than anyone else, but what they do, and the way they think, is what leaves me shaking my head in confusion and disbelief.

Anyone who's ever been in a real-world encounter, where they were fighting for life and limb, knows that seconds can feel like an eternity.


In fact, the average self-defense encounter is over in 6 to 10 seconds. Not minutes.

So much for the money-making climactic fight scenes at the end of a movie, huh? Where the hero takes on the arch-villain for 20 minutes or so.

Sorry. Just doesn't work that way.

In fact, you only store enough glycogen (a type of sugar) in your muscles for fight-or-flight work for about 7 to 11 seconds of full-out work. After that, your body must hold out for another 7 to 11 seconds to produce enough of that magic "juice" to go at it again.

The fact that karate tournaments set things up with a two minute time frame on average is proof that things are not geared towards self-defense. Of course, all the rules that are nonexistent on the street help a little too.

If you've ever been attacked, you probably know that it was over long before two minutes were up (if you were counting). Unless you're running and hiding or pulling the school-boy-fight thing where it looks like a boxing match, you can't physically keep going for longer than your muscles have fuel for.

In addition to this, a self-defense situation is NOT the time nor the place to be showing off your way-cool tricky moves. The attacker doesn't care and, quite frankly, that kind of foolishness is just going to make him...

...fight HARDER!

If you want to win - if you want to survive - if you want to wake up tomorrow on THIS side of the grass, you have got to keep your defenses simple and to the point. Do what you have to do to get him to stop - and do it quickly.


3. There's a Difference Between a Fight and a Self-Defense Situation

Again, you have to know why you're there.

Are you trying to prove something?

Do you need to be right?

Are you trying to make a point?

Are you afraid of getting something you don't want or losing something you do?

If you are, then...'re in a fight - you're fighting!

It's not self-defense, although you might be trying to defend yourself while simultaneously trying to inflict your damage on him.

But, a self-defense situation is different. It's very different...

...before the attack even starts.

The Difference Between Fighting and Self-Defense

What is the difference between a fight and a self-defense situation? I mean, both people are attacking the other, right?


...not exactly. And, if you've ever been in either or both, you already know the answer.

Simply stated, a fight has two or more combatants who are willing participants in the foray, they are all there by mutual agreement. They all WANT to be there.

Whereas, in a defensive encounter there may be two or more mutually agreeable participants to the event, but...

...they are all on the SAME side!

In a self-defense situation, at least one of the combatants, the victim - the target of the assault - has NOT chosen to be there.

Do you see the difference?

While a self-defense situation and a fight might APPEAR to be the same thing, they are in reality, very different.
So, get over any thoughts, fears, or aversions to fighting. I don't like to fight either. But...

...I have become very good at fighting skills and dealing with a person who wants to fight or attack me.

There is a big difference.

In Today's world of violence, street crime, spousal and child abuse, and terrorism, it is no longer possible to live in denial. It seems that, every day, more and more people are waking up to the realization that violence in some form has touched either them or someone they know. They end up finding out that...

By Jeffrey Miller

Rabu, 09 Juli 2014

3 Annoying Myths in Self Defense

There are a lot of self defense myths and falsehoods out there. Unfortunately, every martial artist has heard are fallen victim to one or more of them. I am no different in this case.

Yet there are three big ones that seem to trick people time and time again. So in hopes of exp
osing these myths, I am showing you these today.

Annoying Myth #1: There is an Ultimate Self Defense Style/ Course

The forums ring with people claiming this self defense course is the ultimate self defense course or this style is the ultimate self defense style. These people are often cleverly coined forum warriors.

These people are often affiliate marketers of a specific course or just wannabe martial artist, many of which have never been in a serious fight in their lives. No wonder so many of their comments leave people confuse.

In truth, when you want to determine a self defense style, a lot of things come into play. What is you size? How strong are you? What is your style of learning? All these things come into play when you are determining the best method for you.

You also have to look at the school. How well do the students.

Remember, when you are looking for a good self defense school, you do not need to find the very best. That is a life long journey. You just need to find a good school that will show you how to effectively get the job done of defending yourself. Thats all.

Once you get that down, then, only if you choose to, you can begin searching for schools that can advance your techniques because you will know what to look for.

So in a nutshell, instead of searching for the ultimate style, just focus on finding a style that you think works well for you, and a school where the teacher is a good communicator who answers your questions and the students are good fighters.

Annoying Myth #2: You Can Become A Deadly Commando In Just a Few Days With this Take-Home Self Defense Course!

You have probably seen ads for these on the internet or in self defense magazines. Some top secret law enforcement or army guy tells you that they have the ultimate top secret self defense technique that will turn you into an army super soldier in days. Yet when you get them, what you learn does not live up to the hype.

Again, we are not attacking take home self defense courses. There are some very goods ones out there that, when used along with live martial arts training can really help you to improve your overall technique.

However, when a scam artist states that their course can deliver impossible results with very little training, you have to wonder. Our opinion is, when you see these offers, dont get over excited. They may have some very valid tips, but nothing that will make you a one man or woman army.

So, again, martial arts training from a school mixed with take home self defense courses can be very good if you get the right one. But take home self defense courses without proper training from a school can often be incomplete and leave you unprepared for a real life-death situation.

Annoying Myth #3: Your Own Two Hands Are Your Best Self Defense Weapon

This myth is absolutely ridiculous, and makes me angry more than anything. This myth states that there is no better self defense weapon than your own two hands and feet. And to me, there is no sillier of a myth than this.

For those of who self defense dreamers with Champaign wishes and caviar dreams, who think that this empty hand combat is the only way to go, allow me to elaborate...

You are walking down the street when an attacker tells you to get in the car. You tell them, I dont think so, and put up your dukes. The attacker then pulls out a gun. Who will be the victor?

I can almost guarantee you it will not be you.

Now, if you have been specially trained in the art of unarmed combat through the military, law enforcement, and martial arts you're chances are much better than that. However, those people know and understand the importance of using more than just your hands and feet.

Now don't be mistaken, training in any empty hand combat is an excellent idea. It conditions you, and shows you how to effectively defend yourself. However, empty hand combat should only be used as an absolute last defense.

The truth is the most effective self defense weapon you could use is not your hands or feet, or anything else for that matter. The most effective self defense weapon is your brain. In other words, good old fashioned common since.

Think about it for a second. If you had a choice of a way to stop a criminal dead in their tracks, I am sure you could think of about 3 or 4 that might be more effective then just using your bare hands.

For example, you might think of using a taser gun, to stop them dead in their tracks. Or you may want to use a pepper spray to shoot at them for 6 feet away. You could hit them with a stun gun and run like heck or you could pick up a stone or brick and throw it at them.

You see what we mean?

Too many people think that the world is a kung fu movie, when really its not. The real world thugs will not only hurt you, they will kill you and they don't care about your empty hand abilities or not. So you need to do as much as you can to legal stack the odds of survival in your favor.

But what happens if someone takes away my self defense weapon?

Well, there is a possibility that this could happen, but again, by educating yourself on self defense products you can greatly reduce the chance of you being harmed if this happens. For example, did you know that most stun guns have a disable pin that, once removed renders the device inoperable? That means they could never use your stun gun against you.

You may also want to think of the fact that having the advantages of having a self defense weapon on you far, far outweighs the disadvantages of not having anything to defend yourself with.

Think of a self defense weapon as the ultimate diversion. It is a doorway out of a difficult situation, so if you find yourself in a situation where someone is taking you self defense weapon away, don't tussle with them. Throw it at their face. Use it to your leverage and always, always, run as if your life depended on it, because in truth it does.

By Nerode Abraham

Selasa, 08 Juli 2014

What You Need To Know When Learning Self Defense

Looking for more information on self defense? You have come to the right place. Self defense is the best way to prepare yourself to fend off an attacker. Regardless of where you live and how safe your neighbourhood, a good self defense class is always great idea for you and your whole family. Throughout this article we will speak about what self defense is, different types of self defense, and how a self defense class can help you.

As said previously, the best way to prepare yourself in the case of an attacker is through self defense. Self defense is a countermeasure that prepares one to protect themselves or their property from physical harm. In court, self defense is legally justified if the defendant rightfully saw themselves in a dangerous situation. In order to use the self defense justification in court, one must prove that they were in a position, against another person, that could have potentially led to serious injuries or death. Learning self defense typically involves 3 components: techniques, training methods, and strategies. Techniques focus on avoiding the use of self defense if possible, learning movements, blocks, and counter attacks. Training methods are the drills that are used to learn the techniques, and strategies show people when to use them.

There are many styles of martial arts that teach self defense. These usually teach unarmed self defense in which you learn to defend yourself without any weapons. They typically teach you a variety of motor skills and ways to increase confidence and awareness. Some countries, in which it is legal to carry weapons, also allow for armed self defense methods. Included in armed self defense is the use of pepper spray, stun guns, and everyday objects such as baseball bats. When considering armed self defense keep in mind that it is not legal in many countries and could result in severe punishment. Another, less physical, form of self defense is called de-escalation. This teaches individuals to use their words in order to prevent, deescalate, or end an assault. It is more of a conflict management style and uses voice, tone, and body language to prevent a situation from escalating from bad to worse. Avoidance is also considered a form of self defense. Avoidance allows you to become more aware of your surroundings and prevent yourself from being put into dangerous situations.

Although there are many online articles and videos about self defense, the best way to learn self defense methods are through actual self defense classes. Self defense classes usually focus on unarmed self defense but may also teach people avoidance and conflict management techniques. A good self defense class will teach you how to become more aware of your surroundings and how to handle a situation should you ever be put in a dangerous position. On top of actual self defense moves, most people also take away an increased level of self confidence that may have been missing before.

Self defense is a great activity for you and your family to engage in together. Not only is it fun, it also teaches you defense skills that would help if you or your family was ever put into a dangerous situation. Whether you are just looking for something to keep you busy or are seriously interested in learning self defense methods, taking a self defense class is never a waste of time. Begin searching for a self defense class in your area and gain the confidence you need to defend yourself in a dangerous situation!

By Vince Armstrong