Body soap is a great example of a product that is supposedly good and healthy and hygienic, but is actually damaging to our human systems over long term use. Lets take a look at some of the common ingredients in commercial body soaps and learn why they should be avoided at all costs. And while we are at it, let's learn about some of the healthy and luxurious alternatives to main stream body soaps.
Many soaps include antibacterial cleansers like Triclosan and Benzethonium chloride. These ingredients can damage our immune system and ultimately make it more difficult for our bodies to fight infection. Even the Center for Disease Control makes this claim. Beyond being damaging to human systems, they also pollute our water supplies and endanger aquatic life.
Artificial colorants are found in many main stream body soaps. Ingredients like Yellow 5 contain carcinogens and can contain heavy metals like lead acetate.
BHA (butylated hydroxyanisole) and BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene) is often used in soaps, and it is banned in many countries but not in the USA. These chemicals are toxic to our neurologic, immune, liver and respiratory systems.
Parabens (methylparaben, polyparaben, ethylparaben, etc.) are a very common ingredient in body soaps. They act as a preservative, and these days it is almost impossible to find a body soap that does not list Parabens in their ingredients. The information available claims that Parabens are carcinogenic and toxic to the human system. Although no final conclusions have been drawn, Parabens have been detected in breast tumor tissue.
PEG ingredients often occur in body soaps because they are a foaming agent. They are also carcinogenic, and have been proven to be damaging to human kidneys and skin.
Sodium Lauryl Sulfate is a big culprit in regards of the most dangerous ingredients in commercial body care products! It is also a foaming agent, and is a proven skin irritant and one of the primary suspects for causing eczema. It seems strange that a product that boasts the ability to cleanse and purify our skin would contain this ingredient.
Synthetic fragrances are common occurrences in body soaps. They are often petroleum derived and contain phthalates. Phthalates are industrial chemicals that build up in our systems over long term use. These chemicals are linked to endocrine and hormone disruption, prostate cancer, liver, kidney and lung damage and male reproductive defects. The European Union has banned the use of phthalates.
So what are some alternatives to all this garbage junking up commercial body soaps? How can we stay clean in a manner that is healthful and non toxic?
One alternative is to make our own body soaps. Making our own body products allows total control over the ingredients used. One can invest in high quality, luxurious ingredients and create products that are healthy and sumptuous. Most of the ingredients needed can be found at a local health food store. There are many great recipes available online that walk the user step by step through the process of creating body soaps.
By Dave Adamson
Total Tayangan Halaman
Kamis, 24 April 2014
Rabu, 23 April 2014
Why The Heck Are You Doing That?
Why are you at work today? If the sole reason is because you need to pay rent and buy food, you are probably not completely satisfied with your work. In fact, you might be the office gossiper or the negative Nancy of the office.
Why do people leave a job that they are making 80K per year at with great benefits, only to branch out on their own, risking their families, income and sanity? Perhaps, they can't stand working for someone else, they can't stand not living in line with their values and/or they want to change the world.
Most people think those who venture outside of societies norms are crazy or are setting themselves up for failure. But whether you are making a leap in your business or personal life, you have to realize that doing things the same way day in and day out is not only boring, but that is the real risk.
I am not saying to quit your job today, or to up and move to your dream tropical island in the Caribbean, but after a calculated risk and research about what you are doing, it might be worth it.
But why is there such a risk in leaving a job or up and moving to that Island?
People don't always know why they are doing what they are doing. You might know what you are doing and how you are going to do it, but you don't know why you are doing it. Once you can identify the why, then you can determine if the leap is the right thing to do.
Creating a plan to make a leap isn't the most important aspect to changing something, it is actually determining the why. Why isn't the plan. The plan is in the what and how of what you are about to do, the why will stem from your values and beliefs.
In business, the theory is that if you want to be successful, you have to know why you are doing something, and it can't be, "because I need money." Money is a result, it is not a why. A why for a business might be "My dream is to reduce the stress in the American household, so that families can have more opportunities to enjoy each other." This doesn't say much about what I do or how I do it, but it is why I do what I do. Then, people who believe in my belief systems and values will support what it is I sell, because they too, personally, believe in the why. This leads to success. If all I have is a what and a how for my business, I am setting myself up for failure. Everyone has a plan, not everyone has a why. This is the reason that those with a why are often successful.
When it comes to your personal life, you have to know why you are doing something, too. If you are chasing an end result like money, fame or pleasure, you might be acting outside of your beliefs and find that you are never really feeling that "success" feeling. Besides, an end result, like money, is an outcome, not a why.
If you are doing something to be spiteful, hurtful, or vengeful, it might not be a good idea to make that leap in your personal life. Stop working to create only a plan, and first define why you are doing something, then work your way out from there. If you want to make a major life change so that you can regain a positive and healthy mindset, you are on the right track. Beginning something with a negative why can result in a personal failure, whereas beginning something with a positive why that follows your belief systems generates more of a chance of success.
This week's challenge is to identify why you are doing what you are doing in business and your personal life.
Reflection and Tip: Are there any challenges, risks or leaps you want to take in the near future? Before you take the leap make sure that you have a strong why behind what you are about to do.
By Jaime Kulaga
Why do people leave a job that they are making 80K per year at with great benefits, only to branch out on their own, risking their families, income and sanity? Perhaps, they can't stand working for someone else, they can't stand not living in line with their values and/or they want to change the world.
Most people think those who venture outside of societies norms are crazy or are setting themselves up for failure. But whether you are making a leap in your business or personal life, you have to realize that doing things the same way day in and day out is not only boring, but that is the real risk.
I am not saying to quit your job today, or to up and move to your dream tropical island in the Caribbean, but after a calculated risk and research about what you are doing, it might be worth it.
But why is there such a risk in leaving a job or up and moving to that Island?
People don't always know why they are doing what they are doing. You might know what you are doing and how you are going to do it, but you don't know why you are doing it. Once you can identify the why, then you can determine if the leap is the right thing to do.
Creating a plan to make a leap isn't the most important aspect to changing something, it is actually determining the why. Why isn't the plan. The plan is in the what and how of what you are about to do, the why will stem from your values and beliefs.
In business, the theory is that if you want to be successful, you have to know why you are doing something, and it can't be, "because I need money." Money is a result, it is not a why. A why for a business might be "My dream is to reduce the stress in the American household, so that families can have more opportunities to enjoy each other." This doesn't say much about what I do or how I do it, but it is why I do what I do. Then, people who believe in my belief systems and values will support what it is I sell, because they too, personally, believe in the why. This leads to success. If all I have is a what and a how for my business, I am setting myself up for failure. Everyone has a plan, not everyone has a why. This is the reason that those with a why are often successful.
When it comes to your personal life, you have to know why you are doing something, too. If you are chasing an end result like money, fame or pleasure, you might be acting outside of your beliefs and find that you are never really feeling that "success" feeling. Besides, an end result, like money, is an outcome, not a why.
If you are doing something to be spiteful, hurtful, or vengeful, it might not be a good idea to make that leap in your personal life. Stop working to create only a plan, and first define why you are doing something, then work your way out from there. If you want to make a major life change so that you can regain a positive and healthy mindset, you are on the right track. Beginning something with a negative why can result in a personal failure, whereas beginning something with a positive why that follows your belief systems generates more of a chance of success.
This week's challenge is to identify why you are doing what you are doing in business and your personal life.
Reflection and Tip: Are there any challenges, risks or leaps you want to take in the near future? Before you take the leap make sure that you have a strong why behind what you are about to do.
By Jaime Kulaga
Insider Self Defense Techniques For Women
Some self defense techniques are better than others for different groups of people. Boxing may be an effective way for an already decent sized male, but there may be a better self defense technique woman. Someone who is 5'1" and 110 lbs. may want to consider a blocking and judo-like self defense system, one where a smaller person can defend themselves using the attacker's own momentum and strength back against them. A larger woman might find the striking self defense more effective. There are different types of self defense technique woman out there, so there is a type of self defense that will work for every individual woman.
The best way to find a self defense technique woman is to simply look at the wide array of options available, then to try them out one by one until you figure out which works best. Self defense techniques for women vary from simple martial arts strikes, to attacking pressure points, to locks and holds. Some self defense teachings take all three of these in combination to give women a full arsenal of moves to use against any potential muggers or other assailants.
Finding a particular self defense technique woman based isn't difficult. Whether sexist or not, there is a general assumption that men already know how to defend themselves, or maybe simply take boxing or martial arts lessons, while women seem more likely to be attacked by a larger assailant. Right or wrong, that perception leads to a lot of specialized niches in the self defense field, which is why there are so many specific self defense technique woman.
Doing online research, or even reading books at your local library, is an okay way to get a start at what's available out there, but it's not enough. There are classes that are a weekend, or even a single day, that can help to give you at least a basic idea of taking the idea of self defense, and turning it into actual action. A self defense technique woman could be taught in these classes, and is a great way for someone without a lot of time to still get the learning and practice they need in order to defend themselves.
There are many different types of self defense, and by doing research and taking part in whatever classes are in town, they can help bring a self defense technique woman that's just right for you.
By John Carll
Selasa, 22 April 2014
Women's Self Defense - 5 Easy & Effective Self Defense Moves Every Woman Must Know
On my journey to find the best self defense system I uncovered what I intuitively already thought was true. This truth is that the most simplest move or technique is usually the best and most effective. You can search high and low and learn the most intricate and deadliest martial art out there. But what good is it going to do you if cannot perform it under stress or if it takes ten years to become proficient at it?
The largest barrier to self defense is your mental state. Everyone reacts differently but most people will initially freeze up when faced with a life threatening situation. The only way to work past this mental state is through realistic practice with a partner and by knowing the most vulnerable areas to attack on another human being.
I absolutely do not recommend practicing the following self defense moves full force or full speed on your partner. Instead you want to practice them slowly and deliberately so that you will have them hard wired into your brain and your muscle memory will take over when the pressure is really on!
The following targets and descriptions of the basic self defense moves are violent and graphic. I have watered down my language describing them so as not to offend some people. Obviously great care should be taken not to injure your training partners. When training with a partner you should stop before the point of injury and visualize continuing all the way through the target.
The best way to practice them is to have your partner put you in a situation and your job is to go slowly and identify a vulnerable area and practice accessing that target from whatever situation you may find yourself in.
The following moves and targets are given in no particular order.
Self Defense Move #1 - The Eye Gouge
This one is pretty straight forward however it warrants some discussion.
Us "normal" people have a natural aversion to harming another human being. Attacking someone's eyes is absolutely no exception. Morgues are full of people who left scratch marks all over their attackers face but for some reason they never had the nerve to stick their finger or preferably their thumb directly into the eye socket of their attacker.
I am not talking about scratching at the eyes here either. I am talking about sinking your thumb all the way in up to your knuckle at the inside corner of the eye, rupturing the eyeball and then dragging your thumb knuckle deep all the way across and to the opposite corner of the eye.
This will definitely cause a reaction from your assailant that will buy you time to escape to safety. The police should have no problem identifying your attacker at the local hospital emergency room either!
What if they have glasses on? Simple you slide your thumb from the cheek bone up and under the glasses. I could elaborate on proper technique but that would make for a much longer article.
Self Defense Move #2 - The Ear Slap
A good and properly performed slap on the ears will at worst disorient your attacker and at best rupture their ear drums sending them crumpling to the ground in pain. Let's say for example that someone has grabbed you in a bear hug from the front underneath your arms and is carrying you off to their trademarked creepo van.
You know where his arms are! He has left himself wide open and defenseless!
For some reason or another you have decided not to gouge the eyes. Maybe you are saving the eye gouge as your last option if the ear slap does not work. Anyways the critical component of this technique is to cup your hands just like you would if you were clapping loudly at a sporting event. No opera claps here! With both hands cupped you "clap" or "slap" both ears at the same time. If you only have access to hitting just one ear that will do just fine too!
The important thing is that it should be a good hard clap with a cupped hand. This point is critical. Your fingers should also be pressed tightly together. The cupped hand creates a vacuum which ruptures the ear drum of your attacker.
Take care with your training partner here! Do not actually clap over your training partner's ears. This can cause permanent damage and a lifetime of pain for your partner! For practice just go slowly and keep your fingers spread open to avoid an accidental injury. In real life keep your fingers tight together and hand cupped.
Also in real life you are aiming to have the center of your palm seal your attackers ear canal.
One word of warning! How you practice usually dictates how you will actually strike when the real pressure is on. So you may want to improvise and practice an ear slap on an empty Javex bottle or something like a watermelon that your training partner is holding up. If you get to know the feeling of performing this technique properly you will be able to tell the police to look for the guy with a ruptured ear drum at the hospital emergency room. Injuries make it so much easier to identify your attacker!
Self Defense Move #3 - The Ball Buster
Nothing new here! If you can reach the testicles with your knee, foot or hand you have found one heck of a sensitive area!
The real issue here is launching your attack without setting off any radar. Guys are conditioned from a very young age to instinctively respond to any incoming threats to this vulnerable area. An attacker can usually respond in time to avoid most kicks because they see it coming and subconciously respond or flinch! Ideally you want to get close and use your knee because it flies under the peripheral view.
The goal is to kick or knee the testicles and follow through. In a self defense situation you are aiming to try and kick or knee them up through the groin area and try to follow through all the way up to their neck!
What if someone has grabbed you from behind in a bear hug over your arms? Stomp on their foot and get an handful of their family jewels and squeeze as hard as you can for as long as you can till the guy either drops to the ground or lets go. You want to squeeze until you feel something burst. Then you run to safety.
Self Defense Move #4 - The Throat
This self defense move can be lethal so do not mess around and take it easy on your training partner.
A strong forearm strike to the windpipe can cause enough damage to collapse the wind pipe and your attacker will suffocate. Surfaces that you can attack this area with are endless it can be a punch, edge of hand blow, forearm strike, elbow, hammer fist or even the webbing of you hand that is made when you make an "L" shape with your pointer finger and your thumb.
You can even place a cell phone inside your fist so that the bottom of the phone is just slightly protruding out the bottom of your fist and then you hammer fist the throat. The unforgiving structure of the cell phone is sure to cause serious damage.
The one thing to always remember is that a strike with to the throat area can potentially kill the other person. A strike to any area can potentially kill another person if they have the right pre existing medical conditions!
You can even take this target further and include what I call the "Ring Around The Collar". The sides of the neck are vulnerable due to the nerves that run through this area. The back of the neck is where the brain stem is and is the one common connection between your brain and the rest of your body. Impacts to the entire "Ring Around The Collar" can cause serious life threatening injuries. Take special care of your training partner and never go full speed or full force on any of these areas. Use a light touch and slow controlled movement in practice. Practicing in this manner will build muscle memory.
Self Defense Move #5 - The Lower Leg
The vulnerable spots here while not immediately life threatening can lead to injuring your attacker either directly or indirectly. When I say indirectly I mean if you manage to break your attackers ankle and they go crashing down onto the side walk and split their head open.
If someone has grabbed you from behind tying up your arms the areas of the lower leg to aim for can look something like the following. You can use the edge of your foot, assuming that you are wearing shoes, and scrape as hard as you can down the attackers shin. This is should get them to loosen their grip! Whether you are wearing shoes or not you can stomp your heel as hard as you can directly onto the top of the attackers foot as high up and close as you can to where the foot meets the ankle.
How about if someone has knocked you to the ground and is standing over you? What you can do in this situation is bring your knee up and in line with the ankle and then lift up and place the front of your shin directly on their lower shin just slightly above the ankle joint. Then you press down and slam all your body weight across and down into the pavement.
The ankle joint attack takes practice. It can be done standing and stomping across and down. It can be done from the inside of their legs by rolling all of your body weight outwards.
You are looking to strike just above the to knobs that you can feel on each side of your ankle joint. This tears the ankle joint and sends your assailant either limping away or crashing down into the pavement.
Be careful with your partner. Go easy and go lightly. On the ankle attack you want to go slow and give your partner time to roll ahead of your pressure and simulate falling to the ground. Be careful. When in doubt go slow! Even if you are confident, go slow and do not injure your training partner!
Those are the five easiest and most effective self defense moves that just about anyone should be able to perform to stop just about any assailant. Seriously injuring your attacker will free you up and buy time to get to safety.
When your own life and safety is on the line a pain/compliance, pressure point kind of defense will usually do you no good because the second you release your attacker and try to make an escape they will have an opportunity to attack you one more time.
These moves can be deadly so the utmost respect should be taken when practicing them with a partner.
The five self defense moves discussed should only be used in situations that warrant extreme self defense and all other options have been exhausted.
By Scott N Smith
The largest barrier to self defense is your mental state. Everyone reacts differently but most people will initially freeze up when faced with a life threatening situation. The only way to work past this mental state is through realistic practice with a partner and by knowing the most vulnerable areas to attack on another human being.

The following targets and descriptions of the basic self defense moves are violent and graphic. I have watered down my language describing them so as not to offend some people. Obviously great care should be taken not to injure your training partners. When training with a partner you should stop before the point of injury and visualize continuing all the way through the target.
The best way to practice them is to have your partner put you in a situation and your job is to go slowly and identify a vulnerable area and practice accessing that target from whatever situation you may find yourself in.
The following moves and targets are given in no particular order.
Self Defense Move #1 - The Eye Gouge
This one is pretty straight forward however it warrants some discussion.
Us "normal" people have a natural aversion to harming another human being. Attacking someone's eyes is absolutely no exception. Morgues are full of people who left scratch marks all over their attackers face but for some reason they never had the nerve to stick their finger or preferably their thumb directly into the eye socket of their attacker.
I am not talking about scratching at the eyes here either. I am talking about sinking your thumb all the way in up to your knuckle at the inside corner of the eye, rupturing the eyeball and then dragging your thumb knuckle deep all the way across and to the opposite corner of the eye.
This will definitely cause a reaction from your assailant that will buy you time to escape to safety. The police should have no problem identifying your attacker at the local hospital emergency room either!
What if they have glasses on? Simple you slide your thumb from the cheek bone up and under the glasses. I could elaborate on proper technique but that would make for a much longer article.
Self Defense Move #2 - The Ear Slap
A good and properly performed slap on the ears will at worst disorient your attacker and at best rupture their ear drums sending them crumpling to the ground in pain. Let's say for example that someone has grabbed you in a bear hug from the front underneath your arms and is carrying you off to their trademarked creepo van.
You know where his arms are! He has left himself wide open and defenseless!
For some reason or another you have decided not to gouge the eyes. Maybe you are saving the eye gouge as your last option if the ear slap does not work. Anyways the critical component of this technique is to cup your hands just like you would if you were clapping loudly at a sporting event. No opera claps here! With both hands cupped you "clap" or "slap" both ears at the same time. If you only have access to hitting just one ear that will do just fine too!
The important thing is that it should be a good hard clap with a cupped hand. This point is critical. Your fingers should also be pressed tightly together. The cupped hand creates a vacuum which ruptures the ear drum of your attacker.
Take care with your training partner here! Do not actually clap over your training partner's ears. This can cause permanent damage and a lifetime of pain for your partner! For practice just go slowly and keep your fingers spread open to avoid an accidental injury. In real life keep your fingers tight together and hand cupped.
Also in real life you are aiming to have the center of your palm seal your attackers ear canal.
One word of warning! How you practice usually dictates how you will actually strike when the real pressure is on. So you may want to improvise and practice an ear slap on an empty Javex bottle or something like a watermelon that your training partner is holding up. If you get to know the feeling of performing this technique properly you will be able to tell the police to look for the guy with a ruptured ear drum at the hospital emergency room. Injuries make it so much easier to identify your attacker!
Self Defense Move #3 - The Ball Buster
Nothing new here! If you can reach the testicles with your knee, foot or hand you have found one heck of a sensitive area!
The real issue here is launching your attack without setting off any radar. Guys are conditioned from a very young age to instinctively respond to any incoming threats to this vulnerable area. An attacker can usually respond in time to avoid most kicks because they see it coming and subconciously respond or flinch! Ideally you want to get close and use your knee because it flies under the peripheral view.
The goal is to kick or knee the testicles and follow through. In a self defense situation you are aiming to try and kick or knee them up through the groin area and try to follow through all the way up to their neck!
What if someone has grabbed you from behind in a bear hug over your arms? Stomp on their foot and get an handful of their family jewels and squeeze as hard as you can for as long as you can till the guy either drops to the ground or lets go. You want to squeeze until you feel something burst. Then you run to safety.
Self Defense Move #4 - The Throat
This self defense move can be lethal so do not mess around and take it easy on your training partner.
A strong forearm strike to the windpipe can cause enough damage to collapse the wind pipe and your attacker will suffocate. Surfaces that you can attack this area with are endless it can be a punch, edge of hand blow, forearm strike, elbow, hammer fist or even the webbing of you hand that is made when you make an "L" shape with your pointer finger and your thumb.
You can even place a cell phone inside your fist so that the bottom of the phone is just slightly protruding out the bottom of your fist and then you hammer fist the throat. The unforgiving structure of the cell phone is sure to cause serious damage.
The one thing to always remember is that a strike with to the throat area can potentially kill the other person. A strike to any area can potentially kill another person if they have the right pre existing medical conditions!
You can even take this target further and include what I call the "Ring Around The Collar". The sides of the neck are vulnerable due to the nerves that run through this area. The back of the neck is where the brain stem is and is the one common connection between your brain and the rest of your body. Impacts to the entire "Ring Around The Collar" can cause serious life threatening injuries. Take special care of your training partner and never go full speed or full force on any of these areas. Use a light touch and slow controlled movement in practice. Practicing in this manner will build muscle memory.
Self Defense Move #5 - The Lower Leg
The vulnerable spots here while not immediately life threatening can lead to injuring your attacker either directly or indirectly. When I say indirectly I mean if you manage to break your attackers ankle and they go crashing down onto the side walk and split their head open.
If someone has grabbed you from behind tying up your arms the areas of the lower leg to aim for can look something like the following. You can use the edge of your foot, assuming that you are wearing shoes, and scrape as hard as you can down the attackers shin. This is should get them to loosen their grip! Whether you are wearing shoes or not you can stomp your heel as hard as you can directly onto the top of the attackers foot as high up and close as you can to where the foot meets the ankle.
How about if someone has knocked you to the ground and is standing over you? What you can do in this situation is bring your knee up and in line with the ankle and then lift up and place the front of your shin directly on their lower shin just slightly above the ankle joint. Then you press down and slam all your body weight across and down into the pavement.
The ankle joint attack takes practice. It can be done standing and stomping across and down. It can be done from the inside of their legs by rolling all of your body weight outwards.
You are looking to strike just above the to knobs that you can feel on each side of your ankle joint. This tears the ankle joint and sends your assailant either limping away or crashing down into the pavement.
Be careful with your partner. Go easy and go lightly. On the ankle attack you want to go slow and give your partner time to roll ahead of your pressure and simulate falling to the ground. Be careful. When in doubt go slow! Even if you are confident, go slow and do not injure your training partner!
Those are the five easiest and most effective self defense moves that just about anyone should be able to perform to stop just about any assailant. Seriously injuring your attacker will free you up and buy time to get to safety.
When your own life and safety is on the line a pain/compliance, pressure point kind of defense will usually do you no good because the second you release your attacker and try to make an escape they will have an opportunity to attack you one more time.
These moves can be deadly so the utmost respect should be taken when practicing them with a partner.
The five self defense moves discussed should only be used in situations that warrant extreme self defense and all other options have been exhausted.
By Scott N Smith
Women's Self Defense Training - Be Equipped
Be Equipped: (necessities such as tools or provisions.) Being equipped with the proper personal security and self defense tools whether it is a lethal, or non-l
ethal, or an alternative self defense tool, can greatly impact your personal security in a positive way. They are an important part of an overall self defense strategy.
Lethal: (Capable of causing death.) Just the definition of a lethal Personal Secuirty and Self Defense tools causes some people to fear, with good reason. When you carry a lethal one there is a great responsibility that inherently comes with it. A lethal tool can be a very effective choice with proper training and practice.
· Guns, particularly pistols are the most common lethal self defense device.
· They come in a variety of different calibers and sizes to fit each individuals needs.
· If you carry it for self defense; that would imply that you would be willing to use it, possible taking another humans life to save your own.
· You must insure that you get proper training, required permits, store it properly to avoid any accidents,and practice with it regularly.
Non-lethal: Many people choose non-lethal self defense tools for obvious reasons.A non-lethal self defense tools can give you the opportunity to flee from a dangerous situation.
· Pepper spray is a non-lethal non-toxic aerosol spray used for self defense. The active ingredient in pepper spray is a naturally occurring substance called Oleoresin Capsicum or "OC". Pepper spray comes in dispersal types: Fogger, Stream, and Foam. Pepper spray offers the most bang for the buck of all non-lethal security products.
· TASERS are non-lethal electroshock devices for self defense purposes only that disrupt the body's neuromuscular systems using electrical currents. They come in three different models; the C2 which is fashionable compact, the ML18 advanced TASER resembles a gun in shape and size, and the X26C that is gun shaped and offers many features.
Alternative: An alternative personal security tool is anything you can find wherever you are. They can be both lethal and non-lethal depending on the self defense tool used, placement and power of the strike on the offender. When it comes down to it you do what you have to in order to flee. Let me give you some examples of possible self defense tools in your car, home, or on your person. Because of liabilities I won't be explaining how to use these items; however the element of surprise is usually on your side with one of these self defense tools.
· In the Car; ice scrapers, snow brushes, keys, sunglasses, a hard sun glass case, CD or CD case etc.
· At Home; any aerosol can, a tooth brush, T.V remotes, drinking glasses, kitchen utensils, books, trash cans etc.
· On your person; would be your wallet, loose change, pen or pencil, cell phone, comb, umbrella etc.
· This is by no means an exhaustive list when you consider almost anything can be used as an alternative self defense tools. The key to any alternative self defense tools is that they don't appear as self defense tools and give you the element of surprise. By holding correctly, striking with force in the right area they are effective.
In Summary, with any self defense personal security products you should follow the laws and regulations in your area, practice with it and realize the moral and legal responsibilities that you take upon yourself when you carry them. Though it is never guaranteed, these items can give you the upper hand and a chance to flee. In future articles, additional rules will help you maximize your personal security and safety. Remember the best time to learn your lesson about personal security and self defense is before something happens.
Adam Sisterhen is the president of Your Personal Security Store (, self defense instructor, author of personal security and self defense articles and a Rotarian. He is a proud advocate and a firm believer in personal security and self defense training and products that help protect you, your family and your loved ones.
By Adam Sisterhen
Finding the Best Self Defense Product For You
It's always best to be prepared for the worst. Purchasing a self defense product will give you peace of mind no matter where life takes you. There are many ways to defend yourself. It is important to pick the best match for your lifestyle. Even more importantly, remember that the sooner you buy a self defense product the better off you will be. It ensures your continued personal safety.
There are a number of different options available when it comes to self defense products. The list includes personal alarms, stun guns, tasers, pepper spray, guns, knives and many other, less conventional items. When selecting the option that is best for you, keep convenience, effectiveness, cost and ease of use in mind.
Convenience is key. If you can't carry your self defense product with you most of the time, is it really going to protect your safety? You want to pick something you feel as comfortable with as your own keys or wallet. Pepper spray and personal alarms fulfill the convenience requirements of most people. They are small enough to carry in a purse or pocket. Some models even attach to your keys. Firearms and knives are quite inconvenient for most people. Unless you like the look of a holster, odds are carrying a pistol around all day isn't your idea of handy and practical self defense.
A self defense product is useless if it's not effective. Guns are fairly effective, perhaps even too effective. You don't want to have to defend yourself against legal prosecution. You have the legal right to self defense, but justifying a shooting is no easy task, even if you are warding off an attack. Plus, you will live with the fact that you've shot another person for the rest of your life. Tasers and pepper spray get the job done without lifelong consequences.
Guns are also very expensive. Pepper spray and personal alarms are much more affordable. Tasers vary in price, but also quality. Make sure the taser you choose isn't the cheapest one available, since their effectiveness depends on their quality. The same holds true for personal alarms. If it isn't loud enough to shock people, chances are it won't attract enough attention. Quality is key.
If you have to dig around in your purse to find your self defense product, you won't be able to defend yourself from an attack. It has to be easy to use. Pepper spray and tasers only require a simple flick of a finger and they are easy to keep handy. Knives require close contact and often result in a struggle with your attacker. That is exactly what you want to avoid. You want to get away from your assailant as quickly as possible, keeping as much distance between yourself and potential harm as possible.
You may choose to carry more than one self defense product. A personal alarm and pepper spray can easily be used together. The pepper spray will thwart the attack and the personal alarm will call attention to the criminal while you make your escape.
The best self defense product for your lifestyle is a personal choice. When you find yourself in a threatening situation, you must feel comfortable using your self defense product to defend your safety. Regardless of which self defense product you choose to buy, it is important to know how to use it properly. If you are comfortable with your choice, it will give you confidence, independence and freedom from fear. Investing in your own safety is the best purchase you will ever make.
Steve Lane is a freelance writer of informational websites on personal self-defense and home security products including high tech surveillance. He is one of the leading writers on home security and personal self defense products in the country.
He started "Self Defense Shop" in 2004 to help people prevent crime in their lives. "Self Defense Shop" is an Internet business specializing in hard to find and unique self-defense and home security products that help people protect themselves, their family, home and business. His website includes self defense products like pepper sprays, stun guns, personal alarms, and self defense training DVD's.
His hidden camera website includes one of the most complete selections of hidden covert cameras in the world and a complete line of professional surveillance equipment including the smallest spy camera available.
His business is poised to meet the needs of security conscious consumers who want to protect their families, home and business in increasingly dangerous times with growing crime rates.
By Steven R Lane
Rabu, 16 April 2014
Self Defense - 8 Phases of an Effective Self-Defense Strategy and Training Program
There are 8 phases, or elements, to a complete self defense strategy. Each element is important in making sure that you have as many options as possible for handling as many different threats and dangers as possible. But, each can be seen as a piece of an overall strategy that allows you the freedom, skill, and ability to control and predict the flow of a dangerous situation and, not only be able to handle it effectively if things get physical, but you'll also be able to:
1) Have many more options for attempting to de-escalate the situation through the use of non-physical self defense
2) Use effective cover, concealment, and escape techniques to avoid being targeted by an attacker, and...
3) Survive the post trauma and possible legal issues that may come up in the aftermath of a self defense situation
As I teach my serious students looking for self defense mastery, regardless of whether they are focused on traditional ninjutsu - the art of Ninja - or on modern, street fighting self-defense, the 8 Phases of an Effective Self-Defense Strategy and Training Program are:
1) General Awareness - awareness of and education about:
a. Danger exist in the world and CAN touch you
b. The types of dangers that you are likely to encounter
c. The environments where you are most at-risk
2) Situational Awareness - paying attention to and observing the elements and changes in:
a. Your surroundings (what weapons, obstacles, and dangers exist or are available to you?)
b. The actions of others (who is acting suspiciously, out of character, or is being overtly threatening?)
c. Your state and well-being (are you alert, healthy, and well or nervous, ill, distracted, or otherwise emotional unbalanced?)
3) Escaping to safety - awareness of and pre-planning to be able to:
a. Physically escape from a dangerous environment
b. Hide or conceal yourself from a potential attacker
c. Use barriers and other shields that will protect you from incoming gunfire, thrown objects or other weapon attacks
4) Psychological Distraction Tactics - confusing or otherwise distracting the attacker's attention from you as a target. You can do this through the use of:
a. Acting (like faking a heart-attack, etc.)
b. Feigning Ignorance (like pretending that you didn't hear or understand his threats or orders)
c. Using Humor (tell a joke or otherwise act as if the assailant is only playing around or that you're too easy of a target for him and not worth his effort)
5) Dissuasion Tactics - confronting the attacker with direct, committed, verbal and body language cues that both give him a last chance to change his mind, AND communicates very clearly that you will not be an easy target and will not allow him to continue with his attack without resistance.
6) Physical self defense - using the properly applied and appropriate skills to avoid, evade, and counter your assailant's attacks as outlined with the:
a. "5 D's" of Effective Self Defense Strategy
b. 3 Keys to Effective Self Defense Action
c. 3 Core Strategies for Effective Defensive Action
7) Regaining Composure and Control - effectively handling and neutralizing the effects of post-trauma stress so that you can acknowledge that your attacker gave you no choice but to take the actions that you did in Stage 5. Contrary to popular belief, as it is generally applied in the psychiatric and counseling worlds, this stage is actually practiced and prepared for long before self defense action is ever needed.
8) Defend Against Any Legal Issues - this is the stage that gives a logical, rational, strategic reason to have stages 2, 3, 4, & 5, and to use them if possible before being forced to resort to physical action at stage 6. While self defense is legal, you will have to show that you did everything in your power to avoid physical aggression if you are to really convince many members of the legal system, or even administrators at your place of work, that you are not a martial artist or student of self-defense because you "like" fighting.
I have found over the years that most schools and programs focus primarily on physical techniques. While they are necessary, the true warrior or professional expert understands that strategic thinking and having a goal other than the conventional idea of "winning" as seen in the competitive fighting styles, allows for a sense of control over situations that physical techniques alone cannot provide.
That's why I teach these 8 Phases of self-defense listed here. Each provides different options, but each level also adds techniques, tactics, and "intensity" to the defensive response not present in the previous levels. Having a complete understanding and control of this structured, 8-stage outline gives you a real sense of "mastery" and the ability to control and stop any assailant who would attack you.
Do you want to learn more about the way I do it? I have just completed my brand new online ecourse to self-defense success, "Foundations of Self-Defense Mastery"
By Jeffrey Miller
The Truth About Personal Self Defense Weapons
Sorry I haven't written anything for a while folks, but these days it seems like there's more on my to-do-list then there is time to do them. In fact, my daily travels are what inspired me to sit down and write this letter today.
It seems like everywhere I go these days, I get asked the same questions about self defense weapons. Are they legal? Should I carry one? Do they really work? (And assuming they really do work for self defense)... How do I know which one is really going to work for me?
The truth is, there really is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. It's a personal question, which has a personal answer for each individual. So I'm going to do what I can to help clear some of the fog on this topic, and we'll start with a simple definition for the term "self defense weapon".
Self-defense: The act of defending one's person or interests from harm by the use of physical force or argument.
Weapon: Any instrument or device used to inflict harm on another, either for attack or defense.
So for the purpose of this article, we'll consider a self defense weapon to be any instrument or device used to defend yourself from physical harm or attack... Simple enough.
Personal defense weapons come in many shapes and sizes. In fact, just about anything you use to defend yourself could be considered a self defense weapon. So rather than creating a list of self defense weapons (which is practically endless), I'll just go over some of the concepts that are common for all of these devices.
First let's talk about what a self defense weapon is NOT...
A self defense weapon is NOT an animate object with a mind of its own. In other words, it doesn't think for itself, and it doesn't sit there coiled up, waiting for the opportunity to strike at someone. A self defense weapon is a tool, no more. And being a tool, what it does depends entirely on what you do with it. A weapon can be very useful for keeping you safe. However, you've got to remember a few certain things...
Once you have a weapon, it doesn't mean you're automatically safe. So, don't go walking into a bad section of town, in the middle of the night, carrying a big handful of money. And don't flip off the local gang leader just because you have a weapon in your pocket
And even more important, you need to have confidence in your ability to use it. Just having a weapon doesn't mean it'll be any help at all. This is actually a big problem among the uninformed; Military and law enforcement research confirms that people who lack confidence in a technique or device will not resort to it in a stressful situation.
Many people have been seriously hurt in violent encounters with a personal self defense weapon right in their hand. In the stress of the moment, they didn't think to use it or doubted its' ability to impact the situation. Perhaps they were afraid that it would only make matters worse.
So if you're thinking of carrying a personal self defense weapon, make sure you're prepared to learn how to use it. And practice to become skillful with it. You also need to be prepared to use the device aggressively on a predator, to protect yourself. Never carry a Personal Safety Weapon with the intent to "bluff" your assailant. This is one sure way to have your weapon taken away and used against you. So if you are not prepared to use it decisively, don't carry it!
You've got to keep your eyes open and pay attention, and you need to know how to carry and use your weapon of choice, cause if you don't, you may not get a chance to use it. A gun doesn't help if it's still in its holster, and a pepper spray or a stun gun isn't too useful if it's still in the bottom of your purse or in the kitchen drawer at home when you get attacked. So when you carry a weapon for self defense, make sure you can get to it quickly if the need arises.
People seldom leave their homes thinking, "Gee, I think I'll go out and fend off a mugger, or a rapist today!" What happens to most self defense weapons is the novelty wears off and they're quickly forgotten, then they find their way to the bottom of a purse, the glove box of your car, or the back of a kitchen drawer. They won't do you much good there! So ask yourself, is the device you are considering something practical enough to carry with you all of the time.
Over-inflated claims and quick-fix promises are everywhere in the self-defense business. Many gadget salespeople and wannabe self-defense experts exaggerate the benefits and capabilities of their systems and products.
You need to understand, and acknowledge the limitations of a self defense weapon, and have a back-up plan. Keep in mind that nothing is ever 100% effective all the time. Even a gun is only 99% effective. Sometimes people get shot, but they still don't go down. Yet, I don't know anyone who would say a gun isn't effective.
So knowing that nothing works 100% of the time means no matter what self defense weapon you decide to carry, you should still have a back up plan for defending yourself... just in case
Lots of laws. Starting primarily with laws about guns, the use of guns, carrying a gun, etc. but there are also laws about stun guns, pepper spray, knives, batons, etc. Mostly having to do with when weapons may be used, and under what circumstances.
Do what you can to learn the laws about weapons in your area, but more importantly, use a bit of common sense. Pulling a gun on a guy because he cut you off in traffic is a no-no, and shooting someone in the face with pepper spray because they took the last donut at the meeting is not using good judgment. So when learning to use your self defense weapon, also learn the laws regarding the weapon, and when you can and can't use it legally.
So there you have it, a few basic truths about self defense weapons.
I could go on for another half hour about personal defense weapons, and never run out of things to say, but this article has already passed the one thousand-word mark, so I'll end it here. The bottom line is, if you're going to carry a weapon for self defense, make sure you know how to use it, and are prepared to use if the need arises
By SA Rubin
Selasa, 15 April 2014
Facing Fear - The Story About a Little Girl's Courage
How did you learn to overcome your fear? The question was asked of me by Kristin at breakfast of oatmeal and coffee.
Most of us spend our lives running away in fear. Our fear will cause us to do things that our conscience finds incongruous to who we are. We are most of the time being told to release our fear, to embrace love and walk away from fear. My grandmother would say that its easy to say but hard to do. And she is right. Life is like a mansion. Each room represents a challenge, a weakness and a triumph. Some rooms are scary to enter while others are scary to leave. For most of us, stepping into an unfamiliar room hidden by a scary door can be daunting. I was raised by my grandmother. This statement for many is as familiar as saying I was raised by the devil. She was anger and rage in physical form. I came to hear later on in life that she carried around a flask of rum in her pockets. She was only four feet eleven inches and a force of terror for my sisters and me. The eldest of four, my job was to bath and change my younger siblings, cook the meals, unless later when I started having my period and then I was unclean and must sit on my hands so I did not contaminate her food; sweep the yard and wash the dishes. We had moved from the wattle adobe house that my grandparents built and lived in for most of their married life to the new cinder block house with the concrete floors. But we did not have a kitchen as yet, just a lean-to made of corrugated zinc leaned up against long branches forming a makeshift kitchen. Dirty dishes were to be washed at the side of the house on a makeshift table made of mahogany planks from the floorboard of the old house.
On this occasion, dinner was served on my grandmother's special occasion china plates. They were all piled up on the uneven plank beside the yellow plastic bowl filled with warm water and dish soap. I set to washing the dishes, careful not to make a chip in them for fear of the consequences. Maybe I was concentrating too much on not breaking the plates too much. Maybe this made me careless, maybe the fates wanted to teach me a lesson. Maybe it was my grandfather showing up to torture me from the grave. Whatever it was, that day I learned the power of facing my fear. I set the last of the rinsed plates down on top of the others and something shifted. I stood helplessly and watched as the white chalk plate slid off the stack. It slid down the steep hill not breaking nor chipping in its rush to escape and landed at the bottom shattering into pieces. I stood in silence, fear poured out of my face in sweat, my heart rate increased and I listened for the angry sound of my grandmother rushing to punish me for breaking her plate.
Realizing that she was not yet aware of my folly, I had to make a decision. I could hide the evidence, because she had so many plates, she would not notice the plate missing for days or even weeks. I would have to find a place to hide the plate, which meant digging a deep hole to hide the broken pieces, that was too much work. I did not know how my grandmother would punish me. She could pick up a rock and throw it, she had a great aim. She could send me to cut a switch so she could beat me with it, maybe she would use my dead grandfather's thick leather belt which she is delighted to use saying that she was using Mass James on us. Body aching in fear, I climbed down the steep him, still hoping that when I reached it, the plate would magically be in tact. It was an eternity until I got to the plate and picked up the broken pieces of white in my hands. I climbed back up the hill. My body aching with the tension caused from fear of the perceived pain I was expecting to experience.
The broken pieces in my hand, I tenuously approached my grandmother. "Wha you want?" She asked. "I - I broke the plate." My heart threatened to leave me right there on the spot with the old woman, jump my chest and run away. "What?" "I broke the plate." She turned her eyes upon me in silence. It seemed like forever as she stared, her dark eyes like pools of tar in her face. My hands were sweating, I feared the plates slipping and she stared at me. Then she did the unexpected. She laughed. She laughed so hard that she was bounced on her seat. "Go on." She said. I stared at her stupefied. What, no punishment? "Gwan." She repeated. I did not have to be coaxed twice. I ran, still expecting a rock to hit me at the back of my head. I ran, wondering what had happened. I rationalized that she was impressed by my courage. I pondered the phenomenon for years. And searched through my consciousness to understand what had happened that day. What I came to realize was that my grandmother so shocked by my courage, uncharacteristic of an abused child, could not do anything. I faced my fear and was open to accept the consequences.
This shifted the course of my life. In that moment, I realized that facing my fear was a courageous thing to do. This is a part of my everyday practice. That does not mean that I exercise carelessness. That childhood experience amongst others made me more conscious of my actions and their consequences. This is the story I shared with Kristin at breakfast of Oatmeal and coffee.
By Sonia Haynes
Senin, 14 April 2014
The Best Self Defense Products For Women
Self defense is a growing problem in an ever more violent world. The majority of women, in fact, know their attackers. This puts them at an even greater disadvantage because they may not suspect that trouble is brewing. For them, women's self defense products can be lifesaving. The key is in finding the best choices in self defense items.
There are a variety of pepper sprays for use as self defense weapons. Some of them are even better than the rest in that they are easily disguised. Some may have pepper sprays contained in a lipstick tube-shaped device. Other pepper sprays come in the form of rings and other jewelry. These types of self defense items make it easy to surprise an attacker.
Alarms may also be used as women's self defense weapons. When an attacker hears a loud, shrill noise, he is more likely to back away and leave the scene. Personal alarms are also often disguised. Sometimes they take the shape of flashlights, and may also contain pepper sprays. Other personal alarms are small and sleek, but have a flashlight included in their design for women's self defense. There are also personal alarms that are shaped like key chains or can be attached to key chains.
In many cases, the best self defense items women can use are stun guns. There is a large variety to choose. Many of the self defense products are small and easily disguised. One type of stun guns used for women's self defense is made in the shape of cell phones. They carry charges of as high as 950,000 volts. The best of these stun guns have disabling pins so that they will be useless to the attacker if he grabs it away from the woman.
If a woman is still not satisfied with all these self defense weapons, tasers are a logical next step. After all, a stun gun is 85% effective but tasers are virtually 100% effective. With well made tasers, women's self defense becomes a sure thing. Tasers will stop any aggressor, no matter how big or how crafty. What is more, tasers are good for up to 15 feet from the target. That means that the woman need not give the attacker the chance to take over her self defense weapons.
Since women often know their attackers, it is not unreasonable to consider that there might be times that women's self defense products might be needed at home. While there are many uses for hidden spy cameras, women's self defense is certainly one of them. For example, if a stalker is entering a woman's home, the hidden spy camera can record the activity when she is gone. There are cameras that will record only when there are changes in the room, or others that will record at all times through a home computer.
Women's self defense is much more reliable if self defense weapons are available. Getting the best ones depends on knowing the market and choosing wisely. It is important for women to know their own habits and preferences before buying women's self defense products.
By Jack Krohn
There are a variety of pepper sprays for use as self defense weapons. Some of them are even better than the rest in that they are easily disguised. Some may have pepper sprays contained in a lipstick tube-shaped device. Other pepper sprays come in the form of rings and other jewelry. These types of self defense items make it easy to surprise an attacker.
Alarms may also be used as women's self defense weapons. When an attacker hears a loud, shrill noise, he is more likely to back away and leave the scene. Personal alarms are also often disguised. Sometimes they take the shape of flashlights, and may also contain pepper sprays. Other personal alarms are small and sleek, but have a flashlight included in their design for women's self defense. There are also personal alarms that are shaped like key chains or can be attached to key chains.
In many cases, the best self defense items women can use are stun guns. There is a large variety to choose. Many of the self defense products are small and easily disguised. One type of stun guns used for women's self defense is made in the shape of cell phones. They carry charges of as high as 950,000 volts. The best of these stun guns have disabling pins so that they will be useless to the attacker if he grabs it away from the woman.
If a woman is still not satisfied with all these self defense weapons, tasers are a logical next step. After all, a stun gun is 85% effective but tasers are virtually 100% effective. With well made tasers, women's self defense becomes a sure thing. Tasers will stop any aggressor, no matter how big or how crafty. What is more, tasers are good for up to 15 feet from the target. That means that the woman need not give the attacker the chance to take over her self defense weapons.
Since women often know their attackers, it is not unreasonable to consider that there might be times that women's self defense products might be needed at home. While there are many uses for hidden spy cameras, women's self defense is certainly one of them. For example, if a stalker is entering a woman's home, the hidden spy camera can record the activity when she is gone. There are cameras that will record only when there are changes in the room, or others that will record at all times through a home computer.
Women's self defense is much more reliable if self defense weapons are available. Getting the best ones depends on knowing the market and choosing wisely. It is important for women to know their own habits and preferences before buying women's self defense products.
By Jack Krohn
Minggu, 13 April 2014
The Sugar to Make the Medicine Go Down
In one of my recent articles I spoke of metaphors that we use in life, and I have always found this one to be a thought provoking one. So I ask the question. What sugars do you use to make your medicine go down and why?
There was a time when I never really wanted to know the truth, and I would avoid certain areas of life because the truth scared me. There would have to be a certain amount of "sugar" that I could take with the "medicine" in order to digest what was going on. The problem with that as I have learned, is that you never really get the full effect do you? I mean in a way, the medicine may taste awful, it may be hard to swallow, but it is necessary to move forward in life. Take for example when I speak to athletes about their performance at a competition. I give a certain amount of feedback regarding their appearance, stage presence, physical conditioning etc. But I always add in some sugar. I say "you had a great smile! But you could use some more muscle tone, or lean muscle mass, great color though!" In effect I make a crap sandwich. I create a layer of compliments or "sugar", then medicine, then another layer of sugar.
We as humans need that layered effect so we don't lose faith in our goals, and in our visions. If it was all medicine, we focus on bad things and our fear takes over. But why is that? And how can we use the medicine more effectively?
I think first of all, the need for this speaks to how bad you want it. If you want it bad enough, no amount of awful taste will deter you. We go through life often searching for sugars, and avoiding medicine. You will find however when others are successful, they love the medicine. They love it because they know it will make them better, it will push them closer to their goals. They do not rely so much on sugars like everyone else, they simply learn and grow.
We have to be able to change the way we see the medicine. Be it in the form of hard facts, difficult truth, criticism, or situational awareness. See the medicine as an opportunity for growth, and not something that needs sugar to sweeten it up. Now, there will always be some things in life that will be difficult no matter what. What I am speaking more towards is the majority of things in life like when you get knocked down after failing to meet a goal, or when you don't do as well as you wanted in an endeavor you set out in. Take the medicine, know that it is helping you, and move forward.
By Mitch Robinson
Selasa, 01 April 2014
Women's Self-Defense Classes - The Fallacy of Women's Self Defense
There are many who say women learn self-defense better in an
exclusively women-only environment. The so-called "experts" say it is less intimidating if women don't have to compete with the men, or, it is easier (more comfortable) to discuss subjects like rape without men present. So, the new trend in self-defense programs is "Women's Self Defense" classes.
I don't agree with this line of reasoning, because the overwhelming evidence suggests that this is the wrong approach. I can't tell you how many times I have heard, "I took a women's self-defense course once. But, I went home and tried some of the stuff on my husband (or boyfriend), and it didn't work!"
There is nothing more confidence-shattering than to spend the time learning all the techniques and starting to feel good about yourself, only to have the bubble burst the first time you try out your new-found skills. Women then begin to feel there is nothing they can do to protect themselves when they can't even make it work against someone who isn't really trying to hurt them.
The real shame is when someone is really attacked, and after repeated attempts, can't make their self-defense techniques work. At that point, they simply give up, and won't fight back no matter what. I can only imagine that someone in that situation would look back on the time or money spent for self-defense classes and feel that they had been victimized twice!
Why "Women's Self Defense" Programs Don't Work!
Most of the people who take my self-defense classes are women. Sometimes, I even have a class that is all women. However, that is by coincidence, not design. Women who sign up for my classes know that there may be both men and women in the class. Whether there are actually men in the class is not important, after all, I am instructing the class, so there is always at least one man in the class.
The point is, if a woman is so intimidated by men, that she will not even take a self-defense class with men, she will never survive an attack by a man. Why? Because "intimidation" is just another word for fear. Until she can prove to herself the techniques work on a man, she has done nothing to help her get over her fear of men.
If she is ever attacked, it will probably be by a man! If she hasn't gotten over her fear of men, she will immediately panic, no matter what she has learned. If she hasn't learned how to deal with the bigger, stronger, more aggressive male, she will not understand how the dynamics of the situation will change in the real world!
Women MUST practice self-defense techniques against a man! Otherwise, how will she know they work against a man? This is what we call "realistic scenario training" (more about this later). If she has only practiced self-defense techniques with other women, she gets a false sense of security that her techniques will work in the real world. But, an even bigger problem is that most of what is taught in these so-called "women's self-defense" classes wouldn't work anyway!
Poor Teaching Methods
Much of what is taught as "women's self-defense" is not only ineffectual, but insulting as well. Courses intended only for women assume they are weak, less capable of defending themselves, and therefore need different methods from men to counteract violence. Women have been told to "yell 'FIRE', carry a hat pin or umbrella to jab at him, do something vulgar to gross him out, like tell him you have VD." If any of that junk worked, we'd be teaching men to do the same thing.
The following sample of bad advice still shows up in high schools and women's self-defense courses:
"Confrontation always makes everything worse. Don't react-it might be an overreaction. Don't add to the violence by becoming violent yourself. Don't make him mad. Trying to escape risks escalating the problem."
These ideas are wishful thinking or blind optimism. Experience at real crime scenes teaches you something very different.
Imagine if the percentages of women and men raped were 50-50 instead of 98 percent women and 2 percent men. [Outside of prison, those are the true percentages.] Now imagine someone telling men, "Don't overreact to rape, guys. Go along with his demands so you won't be hurt." I think you can see there might be a double standard that is completely unfair to women.
Doing Nothing
Doing nothing against a violent attack is the biggest risk of all because it makes resistance and escape later far more difficult. Worse, statistics show it actually increases the likelihood that violence will escalate, especially when the crime is rape. The most profound example involving resisting (doing something) versus submitting (doing nothing) was a Department of Justice study of rape published in 1985:
Rapists do not normally pre-arm themselves with weapons. Only 23 percent of 1.6 million cases studied involved knives or guns. [The major exception to this are rapists who break into a residence; 96 percent grab a knife from the kitchen.]
Approximately 51 percent of women resisted in some form, ranging from screaming to fleeing, to fighting back; the remaining 49 percent did nothing.
When broken down between resistance or submission, there was only an increase of two percent in the injury level to the women who resisted.
Yes, there is always a risk involved in fighting back, but there is just as much risk in doing nothing. If you face a rapist and do nothing, he'll rape you. If you face an armed criminal forcing you into his car and do nothing, he'll kidnap you. The "do-nothing" group believes that in doing nothing, they risk nothing.
Doers, in contrast, have simple and direct reasons for taking action: "If I don't do something fast, it's going to get worse."
False Claims
Another problem is the false sense of security given by unsubstantiated claims. One direct-mail women's safety device provides an "instant and easy self-defense" video for women.... "Can you point your finger?... Can you raise your hand?... If your answer is yes, you can instantly escape anything from rape to severe attacks.... It's quick and easy." The product being mentioned here, pepper spray, almost never works this way in the real world.
One television commercial for a women's self-defense program promises "two-minute, guaranteed knockout using your feet. When your assailant tries to grab you, use the heel of your shoe to strike into his head over and over." Could you really learn to do this in two minutes? It takes years of training in karate or taekwondo to learn to effectively kick someone in the head, and even then, it's a risky move. It's just a marketing ploy to get your money.
If you buy a police radar detector that is guaranteed to work, but doesn't, the result is a speeding ticket. If you pay for "self-defense classes" or videos that don't deliver as promised, the result can be severe injury or even death. Relying on someone else's guarantee is only a false sense of security that will only have bad results!
Anti-crime gadgets, and martial arts self-defense programs marketed to women, are often too simplistic and come with unrealistic guarantees. The fact is, surviving crime requires far more mental toughness than physical abilities. Size, weight, conditioning, and upper-body strength don't make the difference. If they did, a lot of men would be in deep trouble. Crime survival takes tough-minded mental conditioning, the same for both men and women.
What Does Work
What works, as proved by the results of both police and military testing, is "realistic scenario training". Scenario training consists of learning techniques, rehearsing them in realistic scenarios, and then visualizing these actions in your mind. It is a method used in many fields, from sports to law enforcement, military to medicine.
Scenario training is a way of planning our responses. We do something similar every day in our regular lives. We plan what to say if the boss criticizes a report we've submitted, or how to appease our spouse if we've done something irritating. Often we actually rehearse the words we'll use, we do it constantly. It doesn't always get us what we want, but it gives us a better chance.
Face-to-face with violence, your first split-second problem is not what is he going to do, but, "what are you going to do?" Scenario training against violence answers that question at the right time... before it happens. You can make mistakes and learn from them before it becomes a life or death situation! Scenario training to survive violent crime draws on real-life crime cases, which allows us to analyze our own mistakes, as well as the mistakes of others, learn from them, and decide how we will respond differently.
Without realistic scenario training, people panic and freeze up; they have no way to cut through the overwhelming fear that boxes them in during a crisis. Everyone needs to train for the same scenarios, and everyone, men and women alike, need to train the same way: to develop the mental toughness needed to survive a real attack!
This is the bottom line that must be adopted by every woman, every women's self-defense teacher, and every parent of a daughter: If the how-to-survive-violence technique and advice is not acceptable to men, it's not acceptable to women.
Knowing how to handle yourself when confronted with violence is your only insurance against becoming a victim, or just another statistic in a police report. You have car insurance, home-owner's insurance, life insurance, health insurance...
What insurance do you have against being the victim of a violent crime? A long-term self-defense program offers the most comprehensive training, and therefore, the best opportunity to learn to handle almost any situation that may occur. However, if you don't have the time to commit to a long-term program, at least some form of weaponless self-defense training is better than none.
But women MUST practice techniques with MEN! The idea that women can learn to defend themselves against men, without training with men, is simply false.
By Mark A. Jordan
Buying Self Defense Products
Self defense products are the weapon against attacks and the ultimate security tool because it can save your life. It is for that reason that many people are becoming very aware of the need for their safety and protection using self defense products. These include stun guns, pepper sprays, tasers, personal alarms, and more, which have all become extremely popular since the increase of crime.
These self defense products are utilized by security companies worldwide, law enforcement agencies and the military. Since late 2007, it is reported that more than 11,000 law enforcement agencies use Tasers. Stun guns are considered more effective and is used by most police departments.
Legal in most, but not all, fifty states across America is Pepper spray. Be sure to check your city and state for any current restrictions. The manufacturer of self defense products should provide safety use and quality in the product. After quality and safety have been established, then the next requirement is for the Hazleton Laboratories to test and verify that the product is of high quality and safe to use. There are no shortcuts on quality or safety here.
The police are limited to how many places they can be at one time and at all times, so people are equipping themselves with their own method of self defense to protect themselves and their families. The word is spreading too amongst friends that self defense products should be included in their daily carrying cases, purses, or cars.
Self defense products can be found online where there is a wide variety of selections at the best prices and with low shipping costs. You will also find self defense product websites online that provide additional information on each product to give you an informed decision before you buy. You will see enlarged pictures of each product and a list of the different features of each product.
If you are looking for tasers, pepper sprays, stun guns and maybe an electronic home security system, go online and search for "self defense products," and you will find what you are looking for.
It is apparent that crime is here to stay whether at a large or small scale so that is the first and foremost reason for adequate protection. Secondly, we already established that the police cannot be everywhere when you need them and so you have to provide protection on your own.
Thirdly, the popularity of self defense products cannot be overlooked and it shows how many people are seeing the value of owning self defense products for their safety and protection. Self defense products are not popular because of any trends, but due to the increase of crime and the fact that people feel that their lives are threatened.
These products are become quite respected because they have saved so many lives and could save your life. By just having it in your possession is enough to give you that sense of peace and safety.
Steve Lane is a freelance writer of informational websites on personal self-defense and home security products including high tech surveillance. He is one of the leading writers on home security and personal self defense products in the country.
He started "Self Defense Shop" in 2004 to help people prevent crime in their lives. "Self Defense Shop" is an Internet business specializing in hard to find and unique self-defense and home security products that help people protect themselves, their family, home and business. His website includes self defense products like pepper sprays, stun guns, personal alarms, and self defense training DVD's.
His business is poised to meet the needs of security conscious consumers who want to protect their families, home and business in increasingly dangerous times with growing crime rates
By Steven R Lane
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